Queen Bug of planet Cockaroacha
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Queen Bug

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Quotable Queen Bug:
"I am not your average run-of-the-mill bug queen. For one thing, I do not spend my entire day mating and giving birth to a colony."

Long live the queen!
As you probably figured out, Queen Bug is a bug. Morpheus (My brother's screen name) started calling me Queen Bug of planet Cockaroacha last year and the name has sort of stuck. So I might as well put it to good use. Queen Bug was sent to earth as a baby to grow up and take over the world. She crash landed in a dumpster where she was found by a sweet family and taken good care of. Only two people knew her secret identity, her younger brother and herself. No one believes her brother when he tries to reveal her. What he doesn't know though is that he too is a bug. Prodical-Bug-Son-San! The other part of Queen Bug's mission is to get her little buggy brother and have him sit at her right side come the day she takes over the world. She succeeded for a while until Earth sent nuclear missiles filled with 'Raid' and KABOOM!
[Morpheus and I have a very strange relationship]
Go to http://bbotw.1hwy.com for an indepth look and more bugs!
Prodical Bug-Son-San
Domain: All military troops
Rank: Prince of Cockaroacha
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Black
Skin: Camoflage
Human form: my brother Morpheus

Left Hand Bug
Left-Hand-Bug used to be Queen Bug's third in command, loyal body guard, and ruler of Asia. That loyalty thing went hell though, so she now resides in Antarctica where she help goat bug herd the world supply of goats. Human Form: Ex-best friend
A Buggy Christmas Carol
Have a merry Christmas with Potato Bug, Bootie Bug, Squash Bug, Chibi Bug, Prodical Bug Son-San, Queen Bug, Baby Fuzzy Bug, Left-Hand Bug, Goat Bug, Leprechaun Bug, Lunar-chicken Bug, and Lumber-Jack Bug!

Perk up your antenniae because it's time to PAAAAARTY!
This was the party they all had to celebrate the induction on Cuban-Samuri Bug[next to Leprechaun Bug] and Gigi Bug[next to the party switch].
Chibi Bug
Domain: Europe
Rank: Continent holder and sub-bug
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Gold
Skin: Normal
Human form: friend Christina

Lumber-Jack Bug
Domain: North America
Rank: Continent holder and Sub-bug
Eyes: Unknown
Hair: Red, white, and blue
Skin: Natural
Human Form: friend Steven
Goat Bug
Domain: Antarctica
Rank: Continent holder and sub-bug
Eyes: Black
Hair: King penguin
Skin: Frozen
Human Form: Ex-best friend's ex-"boyfriend"

Queen Bug's song
This Bug's under construction! Go to Morpheus' bug site for more info.

Lunar-chicken Bug
Domain: the moon and Italy
Rank: Empress of the moon and country bug
Eyes: moonstone
Hair: lunar
Skin: chicken
Human Form: friend Diane

Just to let you know: Yes, I do call my friends by these names sometimes.