Greek Mythology Rules!
I absolutely love ancient Greek and Roman mythology, so much in fact that I have taken four years of Latin. My major ambition is to trnslate the bible from Latin to English and then see how well I did. But anyway, I also go to Latin competitions where I often enter the costume contest. So obviously, I have many god and goddess designs in my head. I really need to design acurate dollz of the actual costumes I wore for: Demeter, Iris, Niobe, the Cumean Sybil, Bachuss and Philemon, and Euterpe.
Iris, Hera's messenger
Iris is the goddess of the rainbow and Hera's personal meesenger. While she is not well known, she is pivotal in a scene from The Aenead where Queen Dido commits suicide. Here I am dressed as Iris for the State Latin competition. I ended up taking 2nd place!